How Bad Does It Have to Get Before I Can Go back to Court and Ask for Custody of My Kids?

When you get divorced, you agree on how child custody and parent-time. In other words, you agree where the kids live and how much time they spend with each parent.

And I say agree because about 98% of divorce cases are negotiated and agreed-on before trial.

Usually, things go pretty smoothly after divorce in the sense that each parent sticks with the parent-time schedule. You always get variations here and there (e.g., you switch weekends because something comes up), but it’s pretty consistent over time.

And then, in some situations, things don’t go well and a change needs to be made.

When changes need to be made, people come to our office to discuss their situation. They’re nervous because they know something is wrong, but they’re not sure how to proceed or if they have a chance to chance to change things.

At some point during these discussion, people will ask this question: How bad does it have to get before I can go back to court and ask for custody of my kids?

So, What’s the Answer?

There’s an old joke about lawyers that goes something like this: if you ask a lawyer a question, he’ll always tell you, “It depends.”

And that’s my answer: it depends.

It depends because changing custody is not a line in the sand sort of thing. Changing custody depends on what’s gone on since the divorce was finalized. It depends on your kids and what their needs are. It depends on you and how able you are to take on the responsibility of having custody. It depends on mental health, job stability, criminal history, housing, etc., etc., etc.

And because changing custody is so dependent on specific facts and individual analysis, we have to sit down with people and really pour over the whole situation in order to give them good guidance on how to move forward.

Despite what I just said, there are some general indicators that will let you know if you have a chance to change custody.

General Indicators

These are indicators based on situations in which our clients have successfully changed custody (they don’t guarantee custody will change though — I wish it were that easy):

1. Drug Abuse.

If there is consistent drug abuse in the home where your kids live, then you have something to work with. It can be illicit drugs (cocaine, meth) or prescription drug abuse (opioids are particularly nasty). Keep in mind, you have to be able to prove drug abuse, which can be tricky.

Serious alcohol abuse can count as drug abuse, although normal alcohol use will not.

2. Domestic Violence.

Judges hate domestic violence (DV) situations. If there is DV in the home with your kids, it is a serious red flag, and could lead to a change in custody. It’s helpful (as terrible as that sounds) if the DV is ongoing. One incident probably won’t be enough, unless it was a horrific incident.

3. Child Abuse.

If your children are being physically or sexually abused, then there is a very good chance custody can be changed. If you believe this is going on, call the police and the Division of Child and Family Services (DCFS) and report it. There are emergency pleadings we can file with the court to address situations of abuse (e.g., child protective order).

4. Inadequate Housing.

We don’t take away children because people are poor. However, if you can’t provide adequate housing for kids and another parent can, then there is a serious possibility of changing custody. What I mean by inadequate housing is a place that is too small (not enough rooms for the kids) or a place that is really unclean, like unhealthy unclean.

5. New Boyfriend/Girlfriend with Criminal History.

You’d be amazed at how many people get divorced and then start living with people with extensive criminal histories. How this makes sense I have no idea, but I do know if you are living with a criminal, there’s a good chance custody could change. The more violent or drug-based the criminal history, the more likely custody is to change. Check fraud probably won’t get much traction, but aggravated assault will.

6. Constantly Moving and Changing Schools.

Judges don’t like it when people move constantly. They are even more skeptical of parents who move their kids from school to school all the time. Research shows changing schools is not great for kids’ scholastic achievement or behavior.

7. Parent’s Mental Health Breakdowns.

Serious mental health breakdowns that make it impossible/very difficult to take care of kids is a legitimate reason to change custody. Sometimes, changing custody is a temporary thing, sometimes it’s permanent. It depends on the nature and depth of the breakdown.

8. Denial of Parent-Time.

If one parent is consistently denying the other parent time with the kids, then that alone could require a change in custody. This can’t be a “it happened a few times” sort of thing. To require a permanent change in custody, it has to be consistent denials over a period of time.

(If parent-time has been denied, but it’s not consistent enough to warrant a change in custody, you can always file for contempt and ask that the other parent be punished for the denials. More on these motions here.)

These General Rules Aren’t Everything

The general rules above are not an exhaustive list of all the reasons for changing custody. Like I said, these situations are really specific, and there might be a lot of little things that, when taken together, might warrant a change in custody. Come in and let’s discuss your particular situation.

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Lei was something special. She was very understanding of our situation and her advice and listening ear made our decision and path forward clear. Thank you!
Response from the owner: Adam, you're welcome, and thank you.
I just got off the phone with Kent and feel very confident in him and the help he has already provided in my case. He listened to and addressed my concerns with kindness and understanding and left me feeling like I'm not just another case, that he really is here to help me.
Response from the owner: So glad Kent has already started helping you, Wendy.
Andrew did a great on my case. Communication was consistent, to the point and he kept me well informed. I also had the pleasure working with Clay. Top notch firm, very confident, and I would highly recommend them if you want to win. Thanks again team ~D
Response from the owner: Dan, thank you, and glad Andrew helped you so well.
Lei the office manager helped tremendously with all hiccups that we ran into and was very responsive and knowledgeable! She is a Rockstar and makes Brown Family Law worthy of 5 stars
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Sierra was so helpful right from the moment she answered our call. She gave all her support and resources and made sure to ask if we needed anything else before moving forward. Thank you so much!
Response from the owner: Thank you, Mel. Glad Sierra was able to help.
I would hands down suggest Brown Family Law. Nathaniel helped me with my divorce, and he was very knowlegeable and knows his stuff. He helped me file a motion, get somethings changed in the original decree, helped me understand the terms they use, helped me understand how child support is calculated along is all the financial aspects associated with divorce case. He also is very responsive to phone calls and emails which was very helpful whenever I had small questions. Thank you Nathaniel!
Response from the owner: Andrew, thank you for your kind words.
I can’t say enough good things about Brown Family Law, but more specifically, my lawyer David Handy and his paralegal Dani. They are kind and honest and always available to me when I’ve needed them! This is such an exhausting time and they alleviated all of my stress by taking control. I could trust the process knowing I was in great hands!!! The entire law firm works as a team to take care of you! I can’t recommend them enough! Thank you!!!
Response from the owner: Ryan, so glad David and Dani served you so well and alleviated your stress.
They handled my case with the highest degree of professionalism and integrity and made every effort to be efficient and transparent with me throughout the whole process. I was told that they were the best as far as family law is concerned and I believe that praise was fully justified.
Response from the owner: Ben, thank you.
Amber McFee is always professional and great to work with. Being opposing counsel by nature is adversarial, but Amber is professional in approach while effectively advocating for her clients. She will treat you right!
Response from the owner: Thank you, Jonathan.
Overall from start to finish the best experience to have dealing with a time that is difficult.Andrew Christensen is very professional and out going to make this situation the best it could be and worked hard to make sure the divorce was fair for me.Over all, this firm really cares and treats you as a family or friend and just not a client, down to Marco Brown taking time to see how I was doing and offer to help in any way possible during my divorce while I was there for my first initial meeting.I would highly recommend anyone that has to go through a divorce to really reach out to the Brown Family Law firm and see for your self the experience I was able to receive from a top notch law firm.
Response from the owner: Devin, thank you for the kind words. Andrew appreciated the opportunity to help you with your situation.
