What is the Role of A Divorce Mediator?
A growing number of couples are opting against traditional divorce and turning to mediation. If you are in a position to make this decision, it’s important to understand the role of a divorce mediator? You need to know what this person will and will not do as the process begins to unfold.
A divorce mediator is not on either spouse’s side. This person is tasked with the responsibility of acting in a neutral manner.
Secondly, a divorce mediator is not a judge. This person does not have the power to make any decisions. Instead, his or her primary goal is to assist both parties in reaching an agreement.
An experienced divorce mediator often creates a unique agreement that is calmer than what you often find in a courtroom in a litigated divorce.
Finally, a divorce mediator is expected to meet individually with both parties involved in the divorce. This is not a way for the mediator to choose sides, but instead is meant to help him or her better understand the challenges each is facing and potential resolutions for them..
When you go into divorce mediation, you need to understand what it entails and how to help the process succeed. Fortunately, even if you are new to this, the mediator will help move things along.
Knowing the role of a divorce mediator will work in your favor once you begin the mediation process. If you don’t want to spend time and money in court and you believe that you and your spouse can work together to reach a settlement, you should look into the benefits of mediation.
Source: American Bar Association, “Benefits of Mediation in Divorce Cases,” accessed May 06, 2016