Understanding the Impact of a Divorce on Military Families
The sacrifices made by service members and their families are rarely known or understood by people outside of the military. Military families live their lives under rules and regulations that do not apply to civilians. The strain of living apart through an extended active deployment is something that people outside of the military cannot fully appreciate.
When family issues such as divorce and child custody disputes arise involving active duty service members or retired military personnel, they frequently give rise to issues governed by federal laws and military laws that would not be factors if the parties were civilians. A relatively simple task, such as calculating the amount that should be paid for child support, can become complicated when courts must account for differences between a service members normal pay and the pay received during active deployment.
A law firm with knowledge of the special issues presented by a military divorce or in child custody proceedings involving service members or retired services can be of assistance. The attorneys and staff of Brown Family Law LLC of Salt Lake City, Utah, are knowledgeable of laws such as the Uniformed Services Former Spouses’ Protection Act and the Service members Civil Relief Act that can complicate a military divorce if their provisions are ignored.
Service members or their spouses can benefit from a consultation with a military divorce attorney at Brown Family Law LLC. The attorney may be able to answer questions and concerns on topics including the division of military benefits, pension rights and the impact of divorce on survivor benefits.