Why Are Divorce Cases Assigned to One Primary Attorney?
Our system at Brown Family Law is a bit unique.
First, the Team
We work every case as a team. This means we all contribute our ideas and expertise to the case. We work together to develop schedules and litigation plans. We exchange ideas about how to handle situations. We quality control each other to ensure quality is a high as possible.
This team aspect is integral to the way we do things. We developed this system after looking at experts in other fields and seeing that when those experts work as a team, they end up providing a better service (or product) to the client.
For example, doctors work as teams; dentists work as teams; engineers work as teams; scientists work as teams.
Lawyers, for the most part, haven’t figured out this team thing. About 56% of all attorneys in America work alone. They usually have an assistant, but they don’t have another expert working on cases with them every day.
This “solo” system is pretty inefficient and tends to lead to low quality legal services. This is exactly why we developed our team-based system at Brown Family Law.
Second, the Primary Attorney
We love the team aspect of what we do. And the team is meant to assist each client’s primary attorney.
Each case has a primary attorney. This attorney works directly on the case. He or she knows the case intimately, works on a daily basis with our client, answers emails and phone calls, goes to mediations and court hearings, and provides theindividualized service our client needs.
Primary attorneys are the ones who do the bulk of work on any case. Doing the work and being so directly involved in each aspect of the case allows your attorney to know you and your family and how best to obtain your goals.
Without a primary attorney to take the reins, there would be too many cooks in the kitchen and quality would suffer. With one cook, as it were, supported by a team, the system creates a great dish.
This is why every case has a primary attorney supported by our team.