Utah Divorce Subpoena: Chiropractic Provider Records
Today’s sample subpoena for a Utah divorce case is all about chiropractic records.
Why would you need to subpoena chiropractic records? Honestly, because you want to be thorough. When you subpoena provider records, you tend to find things you never imagined. We’ve found some pretty spectacular things for our clients in basic medical provider records. Stuff we would never have even thought to ask about that affected child custody determinations, alimony, and the like.
A large part of any good divorce case system is looking at all sources of evidence. This includes social media (good stuff there, let me tell you), criminal records, medical records, etc. This is why we subpoena chiropractic records if they’re out there.
Chiropractic Record Request
Here’s the divorce subpoena request for chiropractic provider records:
“All records, documents, correspondences (including correspondences with third-parties regarding below-named person), call/communication logs, notes regarding communications, evaluations, doctors’ and nurses’ notes, chiropractors’ notes, physical therapy notes and records, raw test data, charts, test results, diagnostic studies, diagnostic films, bills, explanations of benefits, payment histories, pharmacy records, and all other records you may have in your possession regarding XXXX, born XXXX XX, XXXX, Social Security Number XXXX.”