How to Take Advantage of Free Divorce Consultations
One of the most daunting parts about choosing a divorce attorney is paying to talk to one. I mean, they cost a lot. And the idea of paying for an initial consultation just so you can see if you might want to hire an attorney isn’t that appealing sometimes.
This is where divorce consultations come in to play. Many Utah divorce and family law attorneys offer divorce consultations as a way to get people in the door. Take advantage of this.
If I were in your shoes, I would be selective regarding who I scheduled a divorce consultation with. Don’t just pick ten names from the internet. Do some homework first. Read reviews. Read bios. See what percentage of divorce law an attorney practices.
After you’ve done this initial leg work, decide on three to five attorneys you really want to sit down and talk with. (Any more than five and you’ll lose track. Heck, I can’t even keep more than five attorneys straight, and I am one.)
When you sit down with these attorneys, treat their time with respect. If an attorney thinks your wasting time asking a few general questions, he or she will shut off. Come to every divorce consultation with the intent to find out as much about an attorney as possible.
With this in mind, decide the questions you want to ask beforehand, and try to limit your consultation to thirty minutes. You’ll know within just a few minutes whether you and a particular attorney are a good fit, so there’s no need to spend tons of time talking. (It’s kind of like dating: you know within about ten minutes whether you’re in to your date.)
Take notes during your consultation. After you’ve met with all the attorneys, compare notes. Determine whom you were most comfortable with, whom you thought was most knowledgeable, and who treated you with the most respect. Then, make a decision.
Like I said, you can find a good Utah divorce and family law attorney if you take proper advantage of divorce consultations. Be intentional in your search; it will pay off.